So I went out on Sunday night June 9th to get milky way shots. I saw that there was going to be a new moon that night and wanted to have a try at it again. I was by myself so I decided to hit the spot I was familiar with at Grand Forks Waterfowl Production area. Its about 15 miles from the Air Force base and a decent distance from the city lights. It was pitch black dark and I was riding out there thru patches of fog when I thought I saw lights out of my drivers side window. I was shocked! I went out for milky way shots and ended up getting the best northern light shots to date. Anyone who knows me knows I am obsessed with astrophotography so this was a dream come true!!! Here are a few pics and if you would like to see more of my astrophotography work please check out my page links here and here.
Charleston, SC Black Friday Sale | November 29th
Updated! Here is the link to the sale It’s time for my annual, one-and-only sale of the year! Last year, my Black Friday photo