Grand Forks Northern lights and milky way!

So the last few weeks I made a little time to get out and get some night shots.  I got one of the milky way on a moon free night and I just want to do more now!  I had to get up at 3 am to catch it but it was soooooo worth the early morning and no sleep!  The last two pictures are of the northern lights!!!!  i was lucky enough to catch them this past Saturday night.  I have never seen anything like it.  I got about 15 miles away from the base and light pollution and it was surreal!


Hello! Thank you for visiting! I’m Melissa, a lifestyle family and maternity photographer servicing Charleston, SC and surrounding areas. To me a photo session is more than just smiling at the camera. I want to capture the personalities and playfulness of each member of your family. The way that your daughter grabs her daddy’s pinkie while walking. The way your son plays with your necklace when you hold him close. The way you and your husband giggle at each other when your child does that goofy toothless smile. Those are the timeless moments I want to capture! One day those memories will fade but the photos will carry on.

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